The easy quiz!!!!!!!!!!!

hi do you like waffles do you like pancakes do you like French toast do doo do doo do can't wait to get a mouth full... waffles! waffles!! waffles!!! do doo do doo do can't wait to get a mouth full hi

hello boing doing hey person how are you I am bored ok got it well I do so hi merry Christmas and a happy new year pudding is good but yogurt is better hello

Created by: I am DogsLover
  1. What's 2+2?
  2. What's the color of the sky?
  3. fill in the blank: January, February, March, April, May, June, ________, August, September, October, November, December.
  4. Which word is spelled correctly?
  5. Which word is spelled Incorrectly?
  6. Which is a shape?
  7. How do you spell the following word?
  8. Dark is to light as ____ is to soft.
  9. What is the first letter in the alphabet?
  10. What is the 1st number?

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