The best peace quiz

there are soso peace people, as i like to call them,who really really love peace. peace is great. it takes alot to be a peace person. so i bet your wondering what it takes to be a peace person. Like i said it takes alot. a real real lot.

so are you a peace person???? huh?? are you? take this quiz and find out!!!!! okay now!! hahaha! it rocks! so if you take it you will have good luck! yeah! that's right! good luck!!!

Created by: caseum
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you love peace signs?
  2. Do you ever say peace out?
  3. Do you like tie dye stuff?
  4. do you like this quiz
  5. do you like smilie faces?
  6. so are you answering truely?
  7. if your not, promise you will retake it honestly. (if you are answering truely choose honest)
  9. Do you like peace?
  10. were you a hippie for haloween? lol

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