Teh Emo Quizzor

This is a quiz. If quizzes make you sad, then you're in the right place! If you love taking quizzes, please leave now. However, if you love taking quizzes, but are tortured by the fact that they don't love taking you back, then please read on.

This quiz is not a test to see if you are Emo. It is a test to see just how Emo you really are. You may notice that most of the possible answers to each question are Emo responses. They have varying levels of Emosity. How tortured is YOUR soul?

Created by: kgbninja

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. Band most likely find on your iPod:
  3. Your favorite thing to do when you're alone.
  4. A big jock bumps into you on your way to art class. What do you do?
  5. All your friends are going to a Panic! At the Disco concert on Saturday. Your father says you can't go. What do you do?
  6. Your little sister has asked you to draw her a picture for her 1st grade art project. What do you draw?
  7. Your boss tells you to stop wearing messy black eyeliner to work. Your response:
  8. Your favorite article of clothing is:
  9. You just won the lottery for 1 million dollars. What do you do with the money?
  10. What do you eat for breakfast?

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