Take my quiz!!!!!

How well do you think you know me? Really, I'm just bored out of my mind and thought I'd make my own quiz. So take it! Oh my goodness, It's almost one in the morning and I am still awake making this darn quiz. I have to work in the morning. It's going to be a long day and people are broke too so it's probably going to be dead.

I have to write two paragraphs about my qiuz, so here is the other one. Just take the stupid quiz already! I'm going to go insane right now. This is rediculous. I hate writing, I just wanted to make a darn quiz! Is that so hard to do? I want to go to sleep!

Created by: april
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What are my kids nicknames?
  2. Where am I from?
  3. What cartoon do I have memorized?
  4. What is my dream career?
  5. what is my favorite color?
  6. What is my favorite thing to do at work?
  7. What is my drink of choice?
  8. Where did I work when I was in school?
  9. What high school did i graduate from?
  10. What's my middle name?

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