Story quiz 😄😄😄

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Welcome,welcome!! You seem to need a quiz. This quiz is to test your interest is stories. It is a story which continues question by question. You give answers for each.

Answering doesn't mean just tapping an answer and leaving it,but in means in answering it honestly. And another two requests,please don't comment rudely. It makes others feel akward.

Created by: Aforapple
  1. Once,there was a girl named Rita. She lived in a forest.
  2. She ate the wild fruits,drank the river water to survive.
  3. She didn't have any parents,friends or relatives with her to console and help her. She was very sad.
  4. One day she made friends with a lion.
  5. The lion gave her some rice. Rita asked where did you get this rice? It's so tasty.
  6. The lion replied I killed some farmers and got their rice.
  7. Thus the girl lived with the lion till the end of her life.
  8. .
  9. Bye
  10. .

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