Star wars who said that

This is a quiz. A who said what from a movie. This will test your knowledge. Good Luck....... This is a easy quiz if you know the stuff. There are 10 questions.

Are you a geek. Are you smarter than a other person. Test yourself. Try this out. You may be genius or not so genius. There are 10 questions so good luck.

Created by: adrimal groleo
  1. Who said this " I will not condone a course of action that will lead us to war"
  2. Who said " thats no moon. Its a space station"
  3. Who said " Hes no good to me dead:
  4. Who said "I've just made a deal that'll keep the Empire out of here forever"
  5. Who said " He will join us or die, my master
  6. Who said " At last we will reveal our selves to the jedi, at last we will have revenge"
  7. Who said " It a trap
  8. Who said " To be angry is to be human"
  9. Who said "Depends on how big your pocket book is.
  10. Who said " Our ships have sighted the Millennium Falcon, Lord. But it has entered an asteroid field and we can not risk"

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