
Spectacu-laura isn't a term you hear everyday, but it is a fine attribute to have! So, if you're my friend and are killing time on the internet, take this quiz!

There are some trick questions lurking about, so answer carefully! Continue on to the quiz to be dazzled and amazed at the many wonders that await you!

Created by: Laura
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. where do I live?
  2. what is my favorite movie?
  3. What is my cat's name?
  4. How many tattoos do I have?
  5. What do I love to do on vacation?
  6. favorite color?
  7. Favorite ice cream flavor?
  8. what's my middle name?
  9. what's my style like?
  10. what symbol do I overuse in text messaging?
  11. what's my dream job?

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