somehting to do

you will love this quiz it has all of the spongebob characters in it and its just the best quiz ever so take the quiz and see if you can be the next winner!

Are you a genius? because if so then u might not win this game and if your not a genius well you wouldnt be able to win this quiz ever, so dont even try !

Created by: znessa
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. who is spongebob squarepants best friends
  2. what is spongebob made of
  3. who is mr.krabbs daughter and whats her name
  4. what is spongebobs house made of
  5. how big is squidwards nose
  6. why does spongebob laugh so much
  7. what does mr.krabb love the most
  8. what color is patrick
  9. what does planton want the most
  10. why does squidward get mad all the time becuz of

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