Solve the Mystery

Ah, to be a genius! That takes so much hard work and devotion! Hopefully you will be a genius on the topic of ME!!!!!! If you are smart enough to be a genius on the topic of me than you deserve a reward of somewhat!! Hmmm.... I will be thinking about that one!!!

Do you know the real Cara???? Are you cool enough to be a genius when it comes to me? Take this quiz and find out!!! You will get to see the right answers at the end of the quiz so that alone is reason enough to take the quiz!! You know you want to know everything there is to know about me!!

Created by: Cara

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is my middle name?
  2. Where is the one place that I want to visit so so badly?
  3. What was my nickname in Elem School and still is my nickname from some people?
  4. What is one thing I sincerely wish for myself?
  5. During highschool, what group was I a member of?
  6. Where was my first job??
  7. What is my major CURRENTLY declared as??????
  8. What is my biggest fear?
  9. What was the first college that I attended?
  10. How old was I when my little brother was born?
  11. What jewelery can I not leave the house without?

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