So you think you know me?!?!

OK. So you think you know me? My name is Staci that is all you will get out of me. Ok Ok. Maybe you will learn something, hopefully nothing to scary. HEHEHE.

So do you know me? Do you know what I like, don't like, or even my name? We will see. Oh yeah by the way, the nicknames aren't for my other personalities.

Created by: Staci of Staci
(your link here more info)
  1. What is my favorite color?
  2. What is not my nickname?
  3. What is my dream car?
  4. Who is my dream man?
  5. At what age did I get my driver's license?
  6. What do I collect?
  7. How old was I when I got my first piercing?
  8. What was my first tattoo?
  9. What is my fave movie? This may tricky.
  10. What is fave restaurant?
  11. Who is Thaddeus?

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