So you think that you know me?

Do you think that you know the real me? Do you know all my ins and outs? Can I rely on you when I need you the most?? Well this is how you can find out!!

This quiz is designed to find out if you are a true friend of mine. Recently I've been thinking..... when something happens, who can I rely on to be there for me? Well this will do just that.

Created by: Sarah

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Where did we first meet?
  2. Where did I live before I moved to Frankfort?
  3. Did I ever tell you my secret???
  4. What is my (hopefully) future career?
  5. How many siblings do I have and what are their names?
  6. Have you been to any of my parties???
  7. I am having a mental breakdown and need some comfort. What would you do?
  8. Would you consider me to be a good friend???
  9. Do I know something about you that a lot of people do not know???
  10. Finally... What do you think of me??

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