Snoopy's personal info

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The Synergy project will enable members of the Shop, Estimating, Detailing, and Engineering departments to all work together much more efficiently. Currently these departments are using independent, specialized software to perform their specific job duties. Once the Synergy project gets underway, all departments will be using compatible software that will utilize a single unified database.

Created by: faghag

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is my real name?
  2. Where do I presently live?
  3. What do I change more often?
  4. What do I drive?
  5. How old am I?
  6. What do I like to drink?
  7. What do I do for work?
  8. Who is my boyfriend?
  9. Where does my boyfriend live?
  10. Where di I go on my last vacation (holiday)?

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