Shy, outgoing or in between?

Do you want to know whether you are shy, outgoing or in between????? This is the perfect time to find out! This quiz is real! Answer the questions truthfully and the truth will come out!

You need to take this quiz if you don't know the simple thing are you shy, outgoing or in between??? Take this quiz and you'll find this out!!! Take it now!!!

Created by: Jewel

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If your friends were doing a flashmob, what would you do?
  2. What would you do if your friend asked you to sing on stage with him/her?
  3. Your teacher asked you to speak to the class, you....
  4. You are supposed to do a duet at church, the person your supposed to do it wwith gets sick, you...
  5. You are singing with a choir, you mess up causing the whole thing to stop, You....
  6. You are walking down the sidewalk and you drop your heavy load all over the ground, you....
  7. You get in trouble from someone, in front of a crowd, you.....
  8. You are standing in a line and you trip causing everyone to fall in a dominos formation, you....
  9. You burped loudly in a classroom, everyone laughs, you....
  10. You spill a full cup of punch all over the floor at a dance, you....
  11. Did you like this quiz?

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