Shoutout to funniebunnie01 and aadee

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This quiz is for two of the most awesome GTQ users that I know! Other than that, this quiz has absolutely no point! Thanks! Words to fill up this box.

This quiz is for two of the most awesome GTQ users that I know! Other than that, this quiz has absolutely no point! Thanks! Words to fill up this box!

Created by: Pyra Potter

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. The first half of this goes to @funniebunnie01! I just want to thank her for her heart warming comments!
  2. I also want to thank her for her constructive criticism in my quizzes! It helps me a lot (I'm 12 and I want to be an actress or a writer)
  3. Also, @funniebunnie, could you give me your email in the comments please? I've got a question for you
  4. I also hope that she makes more of her Hogwarts story with a twist (I recommend this to EVERYONE) they are awesome and keep me from getting writers block
  5. And last but not least I want to thank her for giving me a shoutout in a quiz and for being one of my best friends on GTQ
  6. @aadee, thanks for your awesome comments they always make my day!
  7. And @aadee, thanks for being my very best GTQ friend!
  8. I also want to thank her for her awesome quizzes that teach me things I would never think of looking up and they're very fun!
  9. I also want thank @aadee because she is my ONLY regular reader! She takes my quizzes every Sunday but I'm happy because her comments are full of constructive criticism and praise!
  10. That's it! Thanks to these awesome people! Don't you guys ever change!

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