Should you commit suicide?

Trust me, I know what it's like to want to commit suicide. I convinced myself I was going to one day when I got home from school. The only thing holding me back was the fact that I had practically my whole life ahead of me! And so do you.

I highly recommend you don't commit suicide, but I can't stop you. Suicide is your choice, but just imagine how your family and friends will feel if you killed yourself! It's not worth it, and most likely one day things will get better, but it's your life so I can't force you to live.

Created by: tony990
Personality Test
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What brought you to this quiz?
  2. What's wrong?
  3. Have you talked to a counselor of some sort?
  4. How long have you felt the way you feel now?
  5. Do you think it could get better?
  6. Do you currently have a go-to place (like a tree house) for when you are bombarded with problems?
  7. Is there someone who you can go to who will help you in difficult situations or who has helped you since you have felt depressed/angry?
  8. Are you ready to die?
  9. Do you feel like you want to go shoot up a school?
  10. I know this was the first question, but how old are you?

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Quiz topic: Should I commit suicide?