should i be a writer?

We fight. We cuss. We kiss. We hug. We text. We talk. We argue. We laugh. We smile. We love. That's just us. writing is in everybodies blood weather it be speaking or writeing down thought on a sheet of paper

i am who i am.i am werid.i am lame.i run into things.i scream about random and stupid things.but i like it that way.and you are who you are if writing is your passion than do what makes you happy.

Created by: juliettee

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you enjoy writing poems and or stories for people?
  2. do you like reading alot of stories?
  3. what would you rather do?
  4. what is your reading grade in school
  5. are you go at spelling?
  6. do you play any sports or music/
  7. do you know how to tpye fast?
  8. do you know how to write a formal letter?
  9. do you know the six things you have to avoid when writing a paper?
  10. do you know the differents between formale and informale
  11. do you know the four types of atention grabers?

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