Shaun Of The Dead quiz

Everyone loves Shaun Of The Dead! I mean, almost everyone! How could somebody not laugh at a comedy/horror movie?????? Shaun Of The Dead is a must watch. Which means this quiz is a must do.

Can you pass this quiz on Shaun Of The Dead? Are you smart enough to listen to the details of the questions???? Well, in just about a second, you are going to find out!!!

Created by: BravoSix
  1. What is Shaun's full name?
  2. What does Shaun live in?
  3. Who does Shaun live with?
  4. Which one of these best describes Pete?
  5. Which one best describes Ed?
  6. What does Shaun do for a living?
  7. Which one of these best describes the neighborhood at this point?
  8. Where does Shaun work at?
  9. Who calls Shaun on the phone? (when Shaun is at work)
  10. Does Shaun notice anything strange 2 minutes later?
  11. What is the strange thing he notices?
  12. What happened right after that?
  13. Who is the old, scary man talking to Shaun and leaving suspiciously?
  14. What is Shaun's weakness?
  15. Who is Liz?
  16. What is the problem with Shaun and Liz's relationship at this point?
  17. Which one of the following did Shaun say repeatedly in the movie?
  18. Does Shaun book the restaraunt?
  19. What does Shaun hold in his hands while knocking on Liz's apartment door?
  20. What does Shaun hold in his hands while knocking on Liz's apartment door?
  21. Does Liz have roommates? If so, how many?
  22. What are their names?
  23. Does Dianne like David?
  24. Who does Dianne have a crush on?
  25. Liz " kicks" Shaun out of the apartment and it starts raining. What happened?
  26. Shaun goes to the pub with Ed. He cries and Ed tries to help him. What does Ed do?
  27. Who was at the window?
  28. What was at the window?
  29. The next morning, Shaun goes to the store again. Which best described the neighborhood at this point?
  30. I'm skipping some parts...okay, when Shaun goes back to his apartment Ed says:
  31. It's pale and drunk-like. What is it, REALLY?
  32. Okay, so Shaun and Ed fight the zombie and then, another one comes and they fight it. What happens after that?
  33. Okay, so, the news tells them that "If anyone is bitten, they will turn into one." Who is bitten?
  34. This is a long quiz, and I CAN NOT finish it. So, I'll rush though it. Where do Shaun, Liz, Ed, David, and Dianne go?
  35. They pick up Shaun's mom. Anyone else?
  36. His stepdad dies. SORRY. I have to rush through it. So, they all go to....
  37. When they get there, Shaun does sacrifice. What is it?
  38. Shaun makes it back, and they all try to be quiet so the zombies won't come back, BUT...
  39. Someone got bitten. Who is it?
  40. How did she get bitten?
  41. The mom dies. Shaun cries. Zombies come. They survive!!!!! The end.
  42. Just kidding. But, this is the last question: Only Shaun and Liz live. Remember when Shaun said he promised that they will do something different? He promised, didn't he?

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