Sexual abuse For girls and boys only

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It helps people who have been victims of sexually assault and or in need help cause I was a victim and I want to help people, who are so upset and are in need help

yes I am a genius but I never got to figure mine out I took the blame for and people assumed I lied I made one simple mistake and they lied and lied lied b

Created by: summersa314
  1. If you are being blamed And you take the blame then what do you do in the first step
  2. The second step if you are already told a teacher and they wouldn't do anything what would you do
  3. The third step after you talk to guidance and they talk to the other person and that person lied what would you do
  4. If they spread lies and you eventually take the blame I would say
  5. If you have a hard time ask them to look at the camera does this work
  6. If you are a victim my email Is [no emails]
  7. If you have questions
  8. What up Yal
  9. Hello
  10. What

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