hey everybody i made this quiz to see who is a good friend. I wanted to know who really listens to me. so dont be shy and take the quiz. I really want to know how people see me. owell so just please take the quiz.

Do u know me? Take the quiz to see how much u do. I swear i wont think of u any differently. just try and see how u do. plus its fun just to take somebodys quiz. yeah well take it please thank u.

Created by: ian
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is my middle name?
  2. what is my favorite food?
  3. what do i hate the most?
  4. What do i dislike about myself
  5. what is my favorite team?
  6. what i cant stand
  7. what do i do best?
  8. where i want to live?
  9. what do i like to do?
  10. If i could bring back one person from the dead it would be?

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