Rocks for geolab

I created this quiz to test myself on how well I know the minerals I have to memorize for my geology test in a few weeks. I don't care if you take it or not but if you do, I don't care .

Again, I made this quiz for me, so if you fail, too bad. And if you pass, good for you, but I don't care either way. So, good luck on what you choose. I don't care.

Created by: Mdanes
  1. Which group does chalcopyrite belong to?
  2. Which makes up the halides?
  3. Phosphates:
  4. What is the chemical formula for quartz?
  5. Name this mineral: Na/Ca Al Silicate
  6. Which contains metal elements combined with sulfur(no oxygen).
  7. Which group has garnets, micas, and kaolinites?
  8. What is the formula for olivine?
  9. Halides contain:
  10. Which is not a halogen element?
  11. What is the formula for calcite?
  12. Which is not a sulfide?
  13. Sulfates:
  14. Which group do barite and gypsum belong to?
  15. Which combination is incorrect?

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