Remember the future part 5 What rhymes with Death?

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Quick note here, only read this if you've read the previous parts. Otherwise you'll be very confused and have no idea what's going on. Thank you for reading, now back to the introduction. Seth was about to tell you what was going on when you and Noah were gone. You hope what he says will be something to just brush off, that everything is just some dumb fight between Devin and him... sadly it's not it's DEADLY serious

Now let me clear up something quickly, I'm not giving away too much too early. Trust me what you're recieving is just a taste of all the secrets hiding in this story. So without further delay, let's dive into part 5... What rhymes with Death?

Created by: Missy Prissy Cat

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Recap: When you get back to the mansion from your incredible date with Noah, you hear yelling inside and discover Devin and Seth fighting over something you don't really understand. You ask Seth what Devin was accusing him of and he says he trusts you and begins to explain.
  2. Seth nods breathing slowly and looks into your eyes. “I was an idiot when I was famous, an a$$hole really. I was drunk one night and somehow I got in my car. I was on a barren road so, being an idiot, I thought I’d be okay” he tries to look down but you keep his head up. “Seth, you didn’t hurt anyone… right?” you ask. He sighs you start to tremble in fear but he finally answers the question “when I first met you, I almost killed you by accident. If it wasn’t for your powers… neither of us would be here right now.” You can’t believe what he’s saying. You feel your heart sink like the Titanic. Confusion eats away at your mind your feelings for Seth are spiraling out of control and you feel like a knife was stabbed in your back. You stop holding his head up and try to hold back your tears. “Trust me, I’m different now.” He pleads “I’ve stopped drinking, I’ve stopped partying, I’ve stopped my entire life because I don’t want to be the drunken millionaire again. He’s gone, that’s not me and that will never be me ever again. I swear ever since the night I saw you lying on the hospital bed, fearing that you would die, looking like the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, I swore to myself to throw away who I was in able to be a better person. I’ve kept that promise ever since and I’ve NEVER felt like I deserved you because of what I did.” His face starts turning red and you can tell he’s holding back his tears. “I also promised myself to thank you one day… “ he looks up at you with agony “… for saving my life” he walks away from you and goes upstairs to his room. You hear his cries as you digest everything he said to you. His song was becoming more clear, “She kills my misery” “My heart is mending fast” “I was done for at the start” “There's a hole in my heart” “I'm stupid to even speak” “I think I’m too weak” “But I can't give up now” “I know who to despise” “my nightmares taunt her cries” not only was he singing about how he can’t get the nerve to tell you his feelings, but he was singing about how he was becoming a better person just being with you and how his nightmares replay your pain from the car crash each night.
  3. The thoughts are running around in your head and you suddenly wish you forgot everything about Seth. You feel a tear run down your face and you go to your room and start sobbing uncontrollably. You feel betrayed, hurt, but most of all confused. Everything about him is different now that you’ve heard the truth, and too much makes sense that it’s too much for you to take in. Your feel like you're drowning in your confusion; you don’t know how to feel about Seth. You think back to your date with him and you can’t imagine that Seth almost killed you from drunk driving. Anger takes over you and you start breaking things in a blind mad rampage. Glass shatters, pages rip, furniture is flung on the ground. You look back at the chaos you've made and frustration like no other suffocates your thoughts. You lie on your bed and try to think of other things, a funny comedy sketch, your favourite song, how many tiles are on the ceiling, anything!!! But the only thing that gets you to forget about Seth is...
  4. (me: it's optional, but turn on "Inception The dream is real" for a really cool experience) You find yourself standing in the middle of a dark hallway; you can’t see anything but a hazy light at the far end. You try to run towards it, but your moving is slowed down. You squint and still see the hazy light. You still try to run, but behind you an explosion happens. You feel wood being flung towards you as you try to run but you can’t. The floor disintegrates from below your feet and you fall, the wind is tousling your hair as you fall down to the Earth from the hallway floating in the sky.
  5. You try to stop time, you try desperately to use your powers but you can’t. You try to scream but not a word comes out of your mouth. You feel helpless falling down towards the ground. You land hard on a massive white platform. You slowly get up and see you’re standing on a massive clock. The clock suddenly moves its hands at an alarming rate, spinning uncontrollably. You get tripped from behind and hold onto the minute hand for dear life. You look down and see that the clock is hung on a massive wall and on the floor, water is rising quickly.
  6. The speed makes you start to lose your grip. You see the numbers on the clock flash before your eyes and you try to keep track of the time you’re spinning around. You hear the water swish below gaining on you. You dare to lift your hand and try your powers again but nothing is working. You gasp for air as the oxygen is being sucked right out of you. Your skin feels cold and clammy, your eyes are dry and you’re blinking as hard as you can to try and see what’s going on. Your breathing is getting heavier and heavier, the clock spinning faster every time you take a breath, as if it’s determined to kill you. You feel the water splashing in your hair as the clock spins, you feel your hands slipping but you don’t give up. You hold your breath and see the clock slowing down considerably, you take in another breath and the clock suddenly whirls you around again with the waves below swirling upwards again. You try to see if there’s a way off without dying but you can’t see any edges on the clock at all.
  7. You try to hold your breath as long as you can but each time you breathe the clock just seems to get even more faster than when you weren’t trying to hold your breath. You suddenly see the clock spiraling into itself. You feel dizzy and everything around you is blurring. The clock is still spiraling and spinning trying to kill you as slowly as possible. Your hands sweat and you feel your grip getting weaker and weaker. Your eyes seem heavy, like you have to fight to stay alive. You feel the water at your ankles and decide to take a chance with the barbaric waves. Just before you’re about to jump the clock suddenly stops and chimes so loudly you feel like your ears are bleeding. The rings pulse through your ears and as you're falling into the cold waves you look at the time and its midnight, stroking twelve deadly chimes. You cover your ears and catch your breath as you fall down into the freezing tides. You try to swim but you’re still moving in slow motion. Every time you get a little close to the surface for air the water overlaps on your face and sinks you even deeper. You sink down into a dark hole and feel the water pressure sinking into your lungs. You swim with all your might but your motion is still slow and sluggish. You feel you’ve reached the bottom of the water and you feel the water slowly enter your body. You feel cold, helpless, and all alone to die. You slowly close your eyes in defeat and feel the pain suffocating your life away. You take one last look at the surface, and still see the hazy light, taunting you for even trying to get it. You shrivel up into the hole of your demise and accept your cold hearted death.
  8. Your wrap your fingers around the caramel scented key and suddenly you wake up. Your gasping for air in your bed clutching the key, your breathing is ragged and deprived of air as if it was really happening to you. But you realize it was just a nightmare and you sigh in relief. You look down at the key and see it's a little wet. You feel your hands and see they're perfectly dry... so how did the key get wet? This thought only crosses your mind for a brief second as you look out the window and see it’s morning. You notice you’re wearing what you wore last night. You stretch and change into something more comfortable, you suddenly hear a grunting noise outside. (me: okay you can stop the music now)
  9. You quickly run down the stairs curious to see what it is. You head out and hear the noise is coming from the backyard. You can hear Warren talking to someone. You open the sliding door and see Carol in a cute pink and black gym outfit going through the obstacle course you saw last night. You walk over beside Warren and watch. “You’re training Carol?” you ask. “She needs it more than you do, figuring she has no powers” he says absently. You nod and watch her. She’s dodging some rubber balls as hard as she can but she gets hit every three seconds. She then runs over to the balance beam and tries to stand on it but falls once she gets on. Warren runs over to her. “You okay?” he asks. She blinks rapidly, “I think so, I didn’t hit my head did I?’ she asks. “No” he answers “Okay, I’m good” she gets back up and dusts herself off. “So how did I do?” she asks. “Weeeeell…” Warren starts “I KNEW IT, I JUST KNEW IT. I’M NEVER GOING TO MAKE IT!!! I MEAN DID YOU SEE ME? I FELL AS SOON AS I GOT ON THE BEAM.” Carol interrupts. She starts to cry but you give her a hug. “Hey, you’ll be fine. Just try to picture something chasing you, or something you want on the other side” you suggest. She nods and you give her a Kleenex. “You’re not going to die” you say reassuringly.
  10. She eventually calms down and tries again. This time, she gets hit by the balls a lot more, but she manages to walk halfway on the balance beam before Warren has to catch her and send her back again. “See you’re getting better” you say. “Yeah, but those balls keep hitting me” she complains. “THAT’S WHAT SHE SAID” you hear from inside. You all look at each other and roll your eyes “Devin” you all say at the same time. Your eyes suddenly widen as you remember what happened last night. “Hey I’m going to go inside, you tell me how she’s doing okay?” you say as you head for the door. Warren nods, “I will” he says absently.
  11. You step inside and see Devin looking through one of your books. “Hello” you say grinning and raising an eyebrow. Devin immediately hides the book, “What’cha reading?” you ask mischievously. “Uh really manly stuff, workout techniques… advanced workout techniques” he says. You grab the book from his hands “You’re reading Don’t leave me hanging” you state holding it out in front of him. “Oh crap, I’m busted” he jokes. You smile a bit but your smile fades and you sit beside him. He naturally puts his arm around you and you lean against his chest. You can hear his heartbeat and close your eyes, you don’t want to do this but you know it’ll kill you if you don’t ask. “Devin… what happened last night?” you ask with as much calmness as you can muster.
  12. He starts playing with your hair, “you know I’ve always wondered what shampoo you use. Is it Herbal Essence? Or Pantene?” he asks. “I asked you first” you reply and you can’t help but smile. “Mine’s more important” he says. “The kind of shampoo I use is important to you?” you ask. “Just imagine, when you’re famous for saving the world, and you’re in magazines and everyone knows your name… I’ll know what shampoo you use and I can sell the information on eBay” “nobody uses eBay anymore” you reply. “They will once they find out your shampoo is on there” he says. You smile, “Fine I’ll tell you, I use this organic hair care shampoo and conditioner” you say. Devin nods approvingly, “interesting… eco-friendly too. You’re a girl of many secrets” he says winking.
  13. You nod, “now can you please tell me what was going on last night?” you practically beg. He sighs, “Alright… Seth was complaining how you and Noah were out for a while. Warren said you two were probably on a date and Seth flipped out. He said how he was an idiot for even trying and then I asked what he meant. He said he took you out and I asked where but he wouldn’t tell me. I kept asking but he refused to answer me, I knew he was hiding something. Finally I got it out of him and I was worried why he never answered and I thought he did something. He kept insisting he never did anything, so I just left him off with a warning.” He says. “Seth never did anything“ you protest “well he sounded like he did something wrong, seriously wrong. That’s the only reason I kept asking, I didn’t know if he… did anything” he says carefully. You shake your head furiously, “no, Seth wouldn’t do that.” You protest. “Well the old Seth would” Devin grumbles. “Well the old Seth is gone Devin, you have to understand that he’s different now.” You say a little annoyed. “I believe he’s different, but I saw what he was like before… and trust me you can’t blame me for how I’m acting. He was bad news before; drinking all the time, hurting people, and betraying his friends… betraying me.” You see Devin’s eyes dart to the floor. “The only reason I’m being so hard on him is because I don’t want him to turn back into a monster… do you understand now?” he asks looking up. You nod “I understand… but you shouldn’t treat him like a pest. He’s sorry for what he’s done so let him move on.” You insist.
  14. He nods, “sure… how are you taking the news?” he asks. “I’m a bit shocked… I was in tears last night, I was just so confused” you say. Devin smiles, “since when are you NOT confused?” he jokes. You smile and mess up his hair, “HEY” he fixes it quickly as you’re running away. You hide behind the kitchen cabinet and make faces at him. “Now what are you gonna do Hot Head?” you tease. “Hot Head? Oh that’s it” he runs after you and you both run around the cabinet. You try to get around him but he’s too fast and he’s got you around the waist. “AH no, let me go!” you say squirming and laughing. “I’M KING OF THE WORLD!!!” he says lifting you over his head. You gasp in surprise, but then your remember that he has super strength. “Don’t burn me!” you say referring to his other power. “Like you’re not already hot” he says rolling his eyes dramatically. He lowers you and holds you by his chest, “now I have to call you Jacob Black” you joke. “Ew gross” he says putting you down. “No way is THAT going to be my nickname” he says. “You’d prefer hot head?” you ask. “Oh you can call me anything babe, anything not related to Twilight” he says. “Okay crazy hair…” you tease. “Oh, don’t like the ‘do?” he does a dramatic pose. “I think it makes me look pretty chic, what do you think dawling? More conditioner?” he says in a girly voice while fluffing his hair. You laugh really hard you roll on the floor in hysterics at his girly voice.
  15. After a while you regain your composure and he holds out his hand. “Need any help?” he asks. You grab his hand and he pulls you up close to his chest. “Now, WE TANGO” he says in a Spanish accent. You laugh a bit and you both do a wacky tango around the room. You both smile and sometimes step on each other’s feet but you don’t really care. He goes over to the coffee table and picks up a rose and sticks it in his mouth. He twirls you around and then you take the rose out of his mouth and stick it in your hair. He dips you a bit in the center of the room and looks into your eyes, “Me Gusta” he says grinning. You smile back and you wrap your arms around his neck. You feel mesmerized by his striking green eyes and you can’t help but notice he’s staring into your plain looking eyes. You close your eyes and you start to get closer to his lips when out of nowhere you hear a loud crash from outside. You pull away and run to the backyard, you see Carol tangled up in multiple obstacle courses. You stand back and take in the bizarre scene, but then go to help her. “How did she even get tangled up?” you ask Warren while helping her. He shakes his head while trying to set everything back up and says “you don’t want to know”. Devin comes out with the first AID kit but Carol ends up coming out fine. “Aw man, I wanted to wear my nurse outfit too” he complains. You and Carol laugh but Warren is still setting everything up. “Are you going to be okay?” you ask Carol. “I think so, sorry I ruined your moment there” she says slyly grinning. Your mouth drops in shock, “you SAW that?” you ask. She nods, “there’s this new thing called A WINDOW I looked through it and got a little distracted which…” she points at the obstacle course and you give her a look. “Hey Warren” you say. “Yeah what?” he asks. “Don’t go easy on her” you say deviously. Carol swats you “meanie!” she sticks out her tongue. “Curiosity killed the cat” you say shrugging and running back inside.
  16. Devin is waiting sitting on the table and immediately wraps his arms around you, “Now… where were we again?” he asks innocently. You twirl your hair around your finger, “I believe you were about to kiss me Hot Head” you tease. He leans close but just as you think he’s about to kiss you he twirls you around back to the center of the room. “Got’cha didn’t I?” he jokes. You cross your arms, “Okay then ______, no need to be dramatic” he says. He pushes your hair out of the way and you feel his face getting closer, you close your eyes but then suddenly you hear another crash outside.
  17. You both roll your eyes, “we can let Warren take that one” you say blushing a bit. Devin nods, “good thought… so how about that kiss?” he asks. You nod and without hesitation you pounce on him and you both make out on the floor. His eyes widen in shock at first but then he closes them and you feel him stroking your back just like the night you found out about your powers, not hot or cold… but warm and soft. His lips feel the same way, and you can’t stop kissing him. You both roll around and now he’s on top of you, he pulls away for a second and he whispers “you’re a good kisser”. You giggle a bit and run your fingers through his fiery red hair “you’re not so bad yourself” you flirt. He kisses you in response and you feel like you’re on top of the world. After a while, he gets up and he holds out his hand, “Need help?” he asks. You take it gratefully and he helps you get up like a gentlemen.
  18. “I’m going to have to lock you up one of these days” he jokes. You smile “well you’re going to have to talk to my lawyer about that” you joke. “Aw, why do I go for the smart ones?” he asks to the heavens. You tilt his head towards you “because the smart ones are WAY better for you” you say. He smiles “ding ding ding, we have a winner here. Give this beautiful lady a million dollars and a jet pack!” he says in an announcer voice. “Jet pack?” you ask questioningly. Suddenly he picks you up and runs around with you above his head making rocket noises. You scream in surprise but spread your arms out and have fun with it. “Oh no we’re heading towards a meteor shower!” you say dramatically. “A meteor shower?” he puts you down. “This looks like a job for…” he takes his sweater and ties the sleeves around his neck making it look like a cape “… SUPER DEVIN” he yells in triumph. He punches the air pretending he’s punching meteors and then picks you up holding you near his chest. “Don’t worry Miss, the earth is now saved!” he says. He then carries you up the stairs and you laugh uncontrollably.
  19. He then carries you out to the balcony and puts you in a lawn chair. “Now you’ll be safe” he says heroically striking a super hero pose. You motion him to sit next you and he does. You both look at the beautiful day, there are big puffy clouds in the sky and there’s a gentle breeze blowing your hair softly. “Hey Devin” you say. “Yes _____?” he replies. “When did we first meet?” you ask. He smiles at you, like he was waiting for you to ask all along. “Well, if you really want to know…” he trails off. You grab his arm “Please Devin, tell me” you say pleadingly. He holds your hand and traces along your palm like a fortune teller “Let’s just say we met under INTERESTING circumstances” he says mischievously. You feel your body shiver in anticipation for what he’s about to say, every inch of you wants to know how you met this incredible guy. Finally he begins to tell you…
  20. So that's the end of part 5, so I have a question for you all. Have any of your opinions changed about the characters? and what did you think your dream meant? (trust me I worked hard on the meaning it's there) Thank you for reading and I want to have a shout out to Aria, xxblutixx, singin234, TheRecklessBam, and lastly (but not leastly) Fairygal. Thank you all for being very supportive fans and having comments and feedback I love to read. I hope you enjoyed this one, sorry there wasn't a lot of the other guys but I figured I could bring in all of them in part 6. Have a great day :)

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