random quiz that makes no sense

this quiz is so random it makes me wanna sing the stuck in a duck song it goes like: i feel like am mud-da duck-in' stuck! in dis, duk. it makes me wanna quack! like, wat da duck is dat?!

is this quiz random? do you have the brainpower to think it makes no sense? well congrats! you just won something on the lottery! what's that you say? what did you win? well, you won a sad feeling!

Created by: LokiCat
  1. Lemonnnsssssssssszzzzzz
  3. do you ever feel like a plastic bag
  4. how is this duck i mean quiz so far
  5. i'm the conductor of da poop train
  6. do you want a pet pigeon
  7. do you wanna build a snowman...? Do catsz have preedatorz
  8. hey man you ever gonna run outta muffins?
  9. woooooooooooo partay
  10. if europe uses euros why doesn't africa use afros?
  11. hai

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