Random Quiz of Awesomeness

My quiz is sooooo amazing so you have to take it i was really bored so i decided to make a quiz it was fun... until i got to question 7 & i ran out of ideas well any way i hope you like your result!

Which amazing food people are you??? well just take the quiz and find out!!! I have to type 2 whole paragraphs bout my quiz and this is taking forever yay im done!!!

Created by: wolfgirl1920

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  2. Favorite thing on this list
  3. Does you love swimming
  4. Do like anyone? be honest alyssa...
  5. Mernagovenshnains are random creatures that have a foot body with long purple toenails that change color in the water, a chicken/duck head, a peacock tail and wings, and bear teeth and red eyes! YOU LIKE?
  6. what time of day do you like?
  7. Do you like sports? What kind?
  9. Rate or comment?....Plllllllleeeeeeeeaaaz do!
  10. Random question.... wtf?

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