r u emo goth or popular

There are alot of people wondering about this stuff so r u goth emo or popular? Take this quiz to see. this is my first quiz if you like ill make more

mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah thanks for taking my quiz btw im emo and don't be ajerk ok because i'm really sensitive

Created by: Ben
  1. don't kill me what's you fave color
  2. do you have alot of friends
  3. r u depressed
  4. do you cry or get mad easily
  5. what is your hair like
  6. does everybody understand you
  7. family
  8. bored?
  9. do u like my quiz
  10. do u like skinny jeans
  11. will u rate or comment or do both

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