r9k robot test.

This test is supposed to determine whether you are a Wizard, Robot, Cyborg, Normie or Chad. I tried to make the test as precise as possible but any feedback is appreciated.

If you're a Wizard or Robot you're welcome to stay. If you're a Cyborg or Normie you have to explain why you're even on this board. I don't expect any chads and the test isn't directed at women because there aren't any on r9k. Answer truthfully.

Created by: anon

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How would you rate yourself?
  2. How tall are you?
  3. How often do you brush your teeth?
  4. How often do you shower?
  5. Do you use piss bottles/s--- jugs?
  6. How often do you go outside?
  7. Do you work? How much do you make?
  8. Do you study? Is it STEM or STEM related stuff?
  9. Were you bullied in school?
  10. Did you drop out of school early?
  11. Have you been diagnosed with a mental illness?
  12. Do you have friends? How many?
  13. Have you ever had a gf?
  14. Do you agree with Elliot Rodger? Was his cause justified?
  15. How much time do you spend online?
  16. Are video games and anime your only hobbies?
  17. How many anime have you watched?
  18. Are you a virgin?
  19. Do you have suicidal thoughts?
  20. Are you self employed? Do you have people that work under you?
  21. Do you lift? Are you muscular?
  22. Do you have a waifu pillow?
  23. When you go outside what clothes do you wear?
  24. Do you use fleshlights/onaholes ?
  25. Where do you live?
  26. Are you on autismbux/neetbux?
  27. Are your fetishes considered degenerate by normies?
  28. Do you have female friends?
  29. Do you have a drivers license?
  30. Has a girl ever been interested in you?
  31. Do you have a college degree?
  32. How strong is your social anxiety?
  33. Are you loved by someone?
  34. Do you have any deformities?
  35. Do you have any career plans? Are you realizing them?
  36. What is your view on women?
  37. Is it better being loved and losing that love than never being loved to begin with?
  38. Have you ever attempted suicide?
  39. Do you use social media and apps like snapchat?
  40. Final question (I fukd up the age question). Are you over 30 and a virgin?

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