pre-kheck gang rb

There are many smart people,but few real PKG's.PKG is,after all, quite exceptional.What is a PKG?A PKG is a gang made up by a1-pkg-lord,and he wants you to know to get on your s---

Are you a real PKG member? Do you have the brain power to qualify for that prestigious title? Until now you could only wonder.But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out!

Created by: a1lord
  1. what is the 2 main colors
  2. what is the PKG motto
  3. what is the lords name
  4. who does a member of the PKG has to ask before adding anyone to the gang
  5. what are the violating colors
  6. wat is the PKG war color
  7. wat are the three points
  8. what year was PKG started
  9. does a1-pkg-lord have a queen
  10. wat is the PKG chant

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