Power Hungry part 1

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This is a quiz about a girl, played by you, who has smoething mysterious in her life that she doesn't even know. Her best friend Zach, to her crush Laurie and his sibblings Krystal and Kyle. To teh new kid in school to veen your brother. But what happens when you are foudn out to be able to steal other's pwers

john: Your brother and is a senior in highschool. Has longer dirty blond hair Krystal: A freshman twin to Kyle sister to Laurie. She has red hair a foam green eyes. Seh is very friendly, a bit shy, and a vampire. Kyle: He's a freshman twin to Krystal, and brotehr to Laurie. had red messy hair and blue eyes. He is prtective, sporty, and loves to surf. Vampire Laurie: A sophomore and brother to the K twins. He has brown spiky hair and muscular. His eyes are a sharp Jay blue and he loves to surf and lift weights. Also a vampire. Zach: Your bestfriend since little kids and also a sophomore. He loves you with all his heart and has bleached blond hair. His eyes are a sparkling gold. He alos loves to hang around and play video games More characters later.

Created by: xxOCD OVDxx

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You wake up one morning you feel dizzy and you keep thinking back to yesterday's experience. You found out that your friend Laurie and his two sibblings were vampires. You put you hands to your neck where the fangs were. You slowly get up and walk to your drawer to get some clothes out. What do you chose?
  2. Whatever you chose to wear you also chose a black or white choker to cover teh fang marks. That's when you hear your brother pound on your door. "Hey sleepy head tiem to get up for school!" "I'm already up John!" you answr back. he doesn't answer and you smell bacon, eggs, and french toast as you hurry down teh stairs. All of a sudden teh light flickers on and off you look up John does too. "Light must be going out," he comments. "Yep," you reply bac John dishes up himslef and you food and then get up again, "I'll go get another light." He leave sand teh light comes back on when he comes back it starts to flicker again.
  3. SO what ever you did yous oon scarf up your food grab your backpack and wait for the school bus. Less then a minute a boy with bleached blond hair, a black/white jacket and jeans walks up to you. "Hey _____. What's up?" "Nothing much what about you Zach?" Zach shrugs as to say nothing really. So their stands teh fastest guy in the sophomore year with teh pureset gold eyes. You smiel and all of a sudden he has his shoulder on yours. You look up to him and he smiles. He seems to pull you closer and your faces are only an inch apart.
  4. All of a sudden just a he's about to touch your lips... HONK HONK!!! There's teh bus. you both rush inside. eyes are on you like a turkey.
  5. You soon get into English class and two girls with black air walk by. "Hey _____" "Oh hi Lili. Hi Yuki." Yuki smiles and gives you a little playful punch on the shoulder. "SO you trying out for the basketball team?" lili says with sacrcasim and turns her blue hat backwards. "Yep sure am" you boast. Yuki smiles but stays quiet. Lili and you give eachother knuckles and both jump when teh teach calls your names. "Lili and ______. Be quiet or you go to teh principals office!
  6. The teacher stands up tall and starts to talk. "Children we have a new student coming in today i want everyone our their best behavior." Kyle sitiing behind you gives a whisper, "Yah yah yah carry on miss know it all." You look behind you to see his bright red ahir and blue eyes. "Will you shush." "_____ i already warned you and I mean it so quiet and stop being so rude." Said the techer quickly. Suddenly the door opens. A average freshman teen walks in.
  7. Okay so who do you think you are falling in love with so far?
  8. Was this quiz confusing?
  9. If i make another one would you do it
  10. WOuld you liek to find out the reason that the quiz is called power hungry?

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