potter quiz on all the books

so you think you know harry potter from your james bond then try this continuous quiz and let your answers do the talking.it will contine for several weeks so keep your eye out for the next one.

so you think you know harry potter?are you a brain dead muggle or a intelligent wizard well now you can find out take this quiz and see if your thoughts are true

Created by: jennie
  1. what colour are harrys eyes?
  2. in what month is hermiones birthday?
  3. who partners hermione at the yule ball?
  4. from what type of tree is harry's wand made?
  5. how many brother and sisters does ron have?
  6. what colour is hermiones cat?
  7. which of rons brothers was a quidditch captain?
  8. whats the name of harry godfather?
  9. what is rons,harrys and hermiones favourite drink at hogsmeade?
  10. what is the first line of the school song?

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