Pielover511's words of wisdom for today!


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Created by: pielover511
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. So um hi!
  2. Part 6 of Forbidden Love came out! Take it!
  3. I'm gonna turn Pielover511's Words of Wisdom into an advice column. Just leave questions you have in the comments and i'll answer a few in my next quiz.
  4. So anyway take Beautiful Secrets, Wolfygirl's announcements, and Forbidden Love.
  5. Also if you wanna advertise your quizzes here ask me in the comments.(not all requests will be accepted, just most of them)
  6. Pick a smiley.
  7. Will you rate this quiz? Cuz if you don't i really don't care!
  8. Will you comment?
  9. Does this quiz bore you.
  10. so bye!

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