Personal Background Check

I'm looking for individuals that I can trust. There will be a few assignments in the future that I won't be able to carry out alone. That's why I need you! Your honesty in answering the following questions will tell me a lot about yourself.

The Personal Background Check that I designed is to help me better understand who you are! Are you too honest or not honest enough? Take the quiz and let me be the judge!

Created by: Rolando Downs of Rolando's Background Check
(your link here more info)
  1. If I saw someone in front of me drop a twenty dollar bill, I'd pretend I didn't see who did it and would take the money.
  2. If my best friend had a girlfriend (or boyfriend) that I liked, I'd leave her (or him) alone and find another girl (or guy).
  3. If my friend gave me a key to his house, I'd look through his personal belongings as long as I wasn't going to get caught.
  4. I'm so honest that I'd voluntarily tell my boss that a co-worker showed up to work 10 minutes late.
  5. If I work at a coffee shop and a customer yells at me, I have enough self control to not tamper with their drink.
  6. If I see a CD or computer program that I like, I'll download it for free because I believe you have to do what you can to survive.
  7. If my friend forgets to sign out of his e-mail account, I'll read his messages when he isn't looking.
  8. If I have to sell my own friend out in order to guarantee my own safety and survival, then that's okay with me.
  9. If I can pay for one movie and see the second for free by sneaking into the theater, I'll do it as long as I don't get caught.
  10. Once I almost got in trouble at work, but I lied to get out of being fired.
  11. Once I could have helped save someone, but I lied to save my own skin.
  12. I never lie.

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