Perfect Boyfriend for Me

What makes a good boyfriend? It doesn't really matter what makes a good boyfriend, cause everybody's picky and has their own reasons...their own picks in life...and I'm probably pickier than most people so if you fail my quiz then you won't wonder why...but you never know, I've dated everywhere from the total bro bad boys to the button up shirt wearing pretty boys, lol

But this is my quiz, based on what i want in a good boyfriend. Don't think because you're this or that that you won't make it, at least try because like i said I'm picky but alot of different guys catch my eye so don't be shy!

Created by: Josie of myspace
(your link here more info)
Personality Test
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you shave it all? Yes this is your first MAJOR question *ahem*
  2. In High School I was...
  3. How often do you workout?
  4. You're fav sport, out of these?
  5. Your hair color is...
  6. What color are your eyes?
  7. Which one of these are you the most?
  8. Do you Smoke?
  9. How often do you party?
  10. How Sexually open are you??
  11. What are you looking for?
  12. Isn't this fun??? Too bad, do it anyway. Out of these, you are.....
  13. About how far away do you live??
  14. How do you dress??
  15. What race are you?
  16. How tall are you?
  17. How clean or messy are you?

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