One Direction Girlfriends.. Which Girl Are You?

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In The Story, LIVE WHILE WERE YOUNG, there are 5 unique girls. Emma, Shay, Jasmine, Kenya and Andrea. WHO ARE YOU???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

yES. wHO ARE YOU??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Created by: StyPayHorLikSon
  1. Respond With The Appropriate Answer: Your 1d Bf: Babe, I-I.. kissed another girl while I was drunk....
  2. What Is Your Style: (Pick an outfit)
  3. Hobby????
  4. What word can you BEST be described in?
  5. What is Your Favorite Song by One Direction?
  6. What Songs Do You Like To Sing?
  7. yES oR nO?
  8. In Or OuT?
  9. Laughig?
  10. Ok, Last Question. You see your Bffs. How do you greet them?

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Quiz topic: One Direction Girlfriends.. Which Girl am I?