Never Forgotten Part 11

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Hey everyone! I have decided to another series alongside this one so please go check it out! The name of it is Survival, just click on my name and you will find it!

You left off falling into another dream.... or is it?

Created by: CountryBayRythm
Personality Test
  1. *I woke up in my old bed. My alarm clock went off, I shut it off. I looked at my grey walls in astonishment. A tear escaped my eyes. It was all a dream. I couldn't believe it. I got out of bed and got dressed. I walked down and saw my foster parents arguing again.... I walked from the house in astonishment. I walked to the alleyway where it all began. I broke down into sobbing. It couldn't all have been a dream! I had an amazing crush... made new friendships... had a fantasy land all to my own! By the nearest dumpster I recognized the shape of a gun. I crawled over to it leaving a trail of tears. I pressed it to my head... and shot.* I woke up crying again. I shot up in my bed and felt my head. It was all there. I shuddered and finished sobbing. That was possibly the worst dream I've ever had. I walked into the bathroom and noticed the sun had not yet risen. I washed my face with cold water then returned to my bed. I fell into a deep dreamless sleep then.
  2. I woke again, only this time to Wequest's face. He had nudged me awake. He said, "Dress my dear, we must leave soon." I nodded and he left my room. I took a shower, and checked to see if my tattoos remained. They had indeed. I got out and dress in....
  3. I walked out and found Wequest waiting for me. I walked besides him and we talked of little things. We found the front hall and there stood Reed. When I came up he smiled, but his eyes betrayed him. Within them I could detect the sadness. I hugged him and Wequest glowed the gold. Nira and Tiko said their goodbye's and I put my hand on Wequest. As I suspected, a green portal appeared before us. Outside the portal was a green forest lit in the sunlight. I smiled as I watched arguing squirrels stop in shock and flee. Before us appeared Oliver and Epron. Reed put his hand on my shoulder and then left by Wequest's side. I turned and before me stood Oliver in his true form. For the first time I noticed that the horse part was golden and the tail matched his hair color. I smiled as he blushed. He was shirtless, and, well, dang, he was lean and I liked what I saw. His front legs kneeled down and he beckoned me to ride on his back. I looked at him surprised for a moment and then nodded in consent. I came to his back and swung my leg over his back. He stood straight and I could feel the raw power beneath me. "Hold on." He told me glancing back. I wrapped me arms around his sides, feeling his strong abs. I blushed and I could feel him heat up slightly. I was glad he couldn't see my face. He took off and Epron kept up for maybe ten seconds. The ride was smooth but exhilarating. I smiled and breathed in the fresh air of the blurry forest around me. When we slowed I saw a small river flowing down a sloping mountain. Besides the river on both sides were houses, and the castle extended to both sides. Bridges and boats everywhere. It was spectacular and the greenery stunning. He smiled and we waited for Epron. When Epron arrived we walked up the castle steps.
  4. Oliver kneeled again so I could get off. He changed back to his normal form... which sadly had a shirt. Inside was just as grande as the outside. In the middle of the room stood a girl slightly shorter than me. Her face reminded me of Faye's and her eyes were a deep chocolate. Blonde hair curled around her face and she wore a cute little pink dress with pink flowers. Her ears were longer and pointier than Oliver's, and on her back sat two small pink wings that looked like ones you'd find in a costume store. She looked at me with a calm expression and gave a small curtsy. I smiled and mirrored her, but she seemed amused by this. "It is an honor to stand in your presence great one. I am a fairy, which is what pixies descend from. I'm sure you recognize the similarities between your friend and I. I am the lead historian in this realm, which is who cares for the duties while our king is absent. My name is Victoria." She then exchanged a quick greeting with Epron, I suspected they were friends. "I will leave you now with Oliver for your training." She said, now walking out with Epron at her side. I turned to Oliver expecting him to tell me about what we will be learning. But he said nothing. He merely brought me to the training room and looked at me with a wise glimmer in his eyes. "I will train you on how to handle knives and a hammer and shield. You will learn today defensive tactics. I am sure that the others however have only taught you their skills in the physical form. We will delve further than that today." Before I could ask what he meant he gave me the same potion and left to retrieve the materials he needed. I sat waiting for him. Soon enough he came back and we began.
  5. We trained just like I had before. It was hard but worth it. The one thing Oliver did the others didn't however, was that he taught a state of mind. He showed me how to clear my mind and not allow emotions such as anger, fear, and sadness cloud my judgement. He taught me how to be a ruthless killer and feel nothing of it. We eventually ended when I could take no more. We sat and I looked back at all we accomplished today. It was a lot. No longer in his comfort zone as a teacher, Oliver looked awkward sitting next to me. I couldn't help but laugh out loud. He looked at me puzzled. I shook my head looking at him with a large grin. "What?" He asked me. "It's you!" "Me?" "Yes you!" "Why me?" "Your so freaking awkward it's adorable! But why are you so nervous? I don't bite... and your a king!" He looked away for a minute, thinking over what I had just said. Then he turned his gaze again to me and began, "It's you. In this realm most are pretty to themselves. So normally I'm not very well practiced socially, but you... you fluster me. I've never meet a girl like you. Your absolutely amazing... and I don't know how to handle myself with you...." He trailed off and his cheeks burned red. I smiled. It was so cute. I stood and then stood over him. He looked at me confused and I merely sat in his lap. I didn't know what I was doing but I didn't care. I took his face in my hands and I kissed him. It was sweet, but firm. Sparks erupted and you could feel him pull you closer. I smiled through the kiss and pulled away. His face was riddled in surprise, but his eyes were happier than I've ever seen them. I kissed his nose, and then quickly got up and skipped from the room.
  6. Realizing with some embarrassment that I had no idea where my room was... I asked a passing maid if she could bring me there. She brought me there gladly. My room was homey and I liked it. Outside the window I could tell the sun had set. The river glittered under the moonlight, trickling down peacefully from it's origin. Around the city and palace floated green orbs lighting the place further, of which made the walls glitter slightly. It was gorgeous. I sat looking at the tremendous scenery for a while and then decided to dress in...
  7. I stood looking in the mirror, hardly recognizing myself. It wasn't long ago that I was poor and despised. Now I'm treated like a goddess and loved. I smiled and enjoyed the thought of all I've gained. I was ready to leave when Oliver entered. He didn't say a word but the look on his face was unmistakable. He was stunned. And I couldn't help but blush. I took his arm and we left the room. We continued in an awkward silence, but I kinda liked it. It was nice being the confident one for once. We came into a room of calm and intelligent chatter. When we came in people kindly and politely acknowledged us. We ate a delicious, but deceivingly healthy meal. I was silent for most of it, but by my own choice. I enjoyed listening to the talk of people. There were debates, talks of revelations and accomplishments, and even of simple joys. Every word spoken sounded well thought out, even though the talks were not necessarily slow. Jokes would be made on occasion, but you would only find it funny if you understood the references. The ones I did were hilarious. When the meal was finished people walked off in pairs. I watched out of a window as they explored the streets and gardens. I could feel Oliver's presence behind me, "Would you accompany me on the traditional after gathering walk? It was created to help us avoid petty gossip and ridiculous rumors. We only discuss proven facts on this walk." I turned and grinned. 'Well that's hilarious. But I kind of like it.' We seemed to be the last ones out so I didn't feel self conscious from my next action. I took his hand and led him from the dining hall. He did nothing to stop me.
  8. I started down one hallway but Oliver stopped and pulled me back. He accidentally used too much strength and I fell. Oliver was quick enough to catch me his arms, but his face ended up but an inch from mine. My breathing stopped and his eyes wouldn't leave mine. While I remained dipped in his arms, he kissed me, long and hard. He then stood me up and lead me out the right way. We said nothing until outside. I gasped when I was able to inspect the plants closer. The greenery was stunning, some plants even acted as if they were greeting me! One went so far as extending a vine and brushing off a pair of leaves from my shoulder, and slightly squeezed my hand before it took the vine back. Oliver told me all about the plants I inquired about, I didn't think any plant could be kiiind.... He told all about everything I inquired, but there was something I wanted but wouldn't ask. I wanted to know his feelings for me... but there were two things stopping me. Number one... the proven facts thing. Number two... I was too nervous. We encountered few others on our walk, even though many were out there. Eventually Oliver took me back to my room. There he took my chin, pointing my face to his. "______, it's taken all night for me to hike up the courage to say this... so please... don't judge me. You are the most beautiful and spectacular woman I've ever met. You mean more to me than anything." I searched his eyes but found nothing but honesty. "Doesn't this still count as our walk?" I asked him. "Yes. And it is a proven fact as far as I'm concerned." I couldn't stop the smile that spread across my face. He kissed my cheek. I put my hand to my spot and giggled. Who thought I could feel these wonderful things....
  9. I walked into my room but felt a feeling of dread overcome me... but I disregarded it as ridiculous. I undressed and undid all of my hair and make up. I put on just a pair of boxers and a bra. (Me: Don't judge the power of the boxers :P) I crawled into bed and fell into a deep sleep.
  10. I woke up and found Epron to be sharing my bed. I made a drowsy giggle and ruffled his mane. One eye opened and watched me. "Wake up you big buffoon!" I told him playfully. He made what I assumed was a smile and said, "Big buffoon huh?" As he said this he rolled on top of me. I laughed and pushed him off the bed. He grabbed me and pulled me down with him. We wrestled for a minute but it was clear who the winner was. I stuck my tongue out at him while he stood pinning my shoulders. He gave a small victory growl, even though I knew it was playful, I also knew that if I was a passerby that would have scared the s--- out of me! He gave me a big slobbery lick on my face and I squealed. "Get dressed dear." He told me as he left the room. I pushed my hair back out of my face and laughed to myself. I realized that I was glad it was him that I wrestled with. With anyone else it would have been weird account of my clothing. I showered and dressed in...
  11. Epron soon came back for me. I walked with him to the entryway. There Oliver stood smiling shyly at me. I said my goodbyes to Victoria and put my hand on Epron. The portal before us was of all colors imaginable, swirling in a stunning manor. We stepped into it, emerging in Tivanta. I was nearly relieved to be home... but before I could enjoy myself shouting and chaos appeared before me.
  12. Cliffhanger! Mwahahaha
  13. Who does your heart lean to?
  14. I hope you guys enjoyed this one! And in case you haven't given it a shot... my new series Survival is out! Please comment and rate! :)

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