Naruto Test Yourself

The Naruto quiz is great and any one can be a fan but can you be the hokage of Naruto trivia? Take this quiz

Get ready for a great Naruto quiz, refresh your memory and go!

Created by: Justin

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is the first jutsu Naruto uses?
  2. Who does Naruto first fight?
  3. Who is the demon from the mist?
  4. Who was Naruto`s ASSIGED trainer for the final chunin round?
  5. Who ended up training him?
  6. Why?
  7. What did he teach Naruto while searching?
  8. Searching for what?
  9. Who took Sasuke?
  10. What group collected Sasuke?

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Quiz topic: Naruto Test myself You can find more quizzes like this one in our Naruto Quiz category.