Mysterious quiz

Take the cool test. How cool are you? Answer 12 questions and see the results. It's not too short of a quiz or too long, so take it. The results might be disappointing. I guess you need to just be more cool.

You will get a percentage of cool. You might be very cool or not very cool. Just hurry up and take the quiz. It's not the best quiz, but just take it cmon.

Created by: takethispoll
  1. What sounds more like your name? Which of these names is most similar to your name?
  2. What is your favorite COLOR?
  3. Choose an object
  4. Choose a hobby
  5. Choose a person
  6. Would you rather...?
  7. Choose a genre of music.
  8. What grade are you in?
  9. Would you rather ...? Good things.
  10. Do you like to sing?

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