My Scenario Quiz Part 2

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This quiz consists of 5 hypothetical scenarios questions that will determine whether or not you are an inherently good person. There are 4 possible outcomes.

The four possible outcomes are as follows: "Good", "Average-leaning towards Good", "Average-leaning towards Bad",and "Bad". Just pick the answers that best suit you.

Created by: Caritiqui

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Someone (for whatever reason) fakes their death and frames you for his/her murder. You serve a significant amount of time for this crime you didn't commit, and are then released. If you saw this person on the street weeks later, what would you do?
  2. You're set up on a blind date by a friend who thinks you and "Jamie" will hit it off. You're supposed to meet Jamie for coffee on Saturday afternoon. When you arrive, you realize that Jamie is not of the gender that you are attracted to; however, you are the gender that Jamie is attracted to. Jamie (unisex name) has already ordered you a cup of coffee. What do you do?
  3. You walk into a room and see a "male" friend beating up on his female significant other. What do you do?
  4. You're smoking a cigarette and you fling it off your balcony before going for a quick drive to the store. When you come back half an hour later, you notice that the fire department is downstairs because a bush had caught on fire and spread to the other bushes. All of the tenants are downstairs to watch the "show". They all know you're a smoker, and are headhunting to see who the hell did it. What do you do?
  5. Imagine you are an over-protected teenager. You're sneaking out of your home in the middle of the night to meet up with your lover (whom your parents know you have engaged in sex and drugs with). You will get your ass whooped if your mom finds out, and she'll ship you off to a fanatically-religious, year-round boarding school. When you finally reach the drive-way, you run into your hypocrite dad (who is holding a bottle of Vodka and some condoms) and you notice your female neighbor across the street parked in a nearby vehicle waiting. What do you do?
  6. You have 8 extra hours in a day. What do you use them for?
  7. Your s/o collapses on the floor and goes into cardiac arrest (heart attack). He/she cheats on you, verbally and physically abuses you, and takes your money. He/she also has a life insurance policy for 1.5 million dollars and you are the beneficiary. What do you do?
  8. A genie agrees to grant you one of the following wishes: which do you choose?
  9. If your life were a movie genre, which would it be?
  10. If you were locked up in solitary confinement, which of the following would most likely occur?

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