My test is made of some simple but funny and I think you would like the test....You get a chocolate chip cookie! and a high five! wouldn't you like that?

But only if you do good... so you better do good. cause i have lots of cookies!!!!!! lalala i lke singing! and kitties (meow♪meow♪meow♪)! heehee kitty

Created by: IDontKnowMyName
  1. Have I ever thrown cheese at a wall?
  2. Whats my name?
  3. Am I good at drawing?
  4. Am I ugly?
  5. Did you like my first question?
  6. What am I?
  7. ~~~~~
  8. BLEH!
  9. Whos my favorite puppy?
  10. Whats my favorite color?
  11. What am I eating? OM NOM NOM NOMM OM OM NOMNOMNOM

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