My quiz--------

This quiz is about me, so good luck! There are not many people out there who know me; this may be a perfect way for me to find the ones who do! If you are able to get everything correct you get the satisfaction that you know me (which is a BIG deal)

Lets see how much you know about me; to see if you have what it takes to know all the secrets about Mike. There are many questions on this quiz that you accually NEED to know me so many of you will fail, some won't make it to the end, but others will triumph and finish with a 100%

Created by: mike
  1. What is my Dogs name?
  2. What is my favorite sport to watch?
  3. If i could be one animal, what would it be?
  4. What is my favorite dessert?!?!
  5. Who LOVES chicken nuggets the most?
  6. What is my cell phone provider!?
  7. Everytime I play basketball what happens by the end of the game?
  8. How far do I drive every weekend to see someone special?
  9. I have............
  10. What is my real middle name?

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