my new moon love

this quiz is about two boys and you have to pick in between the two that you like.but most of us can't pick in between them so i hope that this just might help you.

do you like jacob or edward? well this will help you find out who you realy love. jacob black ,edward cullen? their are from twilight, newmoon, eclipes, bracking dawn.

Created by: jasmine

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you like cold things or hot.
  2. what do you like vamps or wolfs?
  3. have you read newmoon
  4. have you seen newmoon
  5. did you like newmoon
  6. do you like sleeping in or up early
  7. do believe in love a first site
  8. have you read all of the books
  9. jacob or edward
  10. did you like the test

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