my myspace quiz

hi this imy quiz it will tell you how much you know me i think. if you dont know me that well i am going to beat you up just playing t will determain if you know me good so good luck from alexis

if you dont know how much you know me you are about to find out. good luck this is so boring just to make this quiz i have to type 150 lettersand its not even a school nightthis is so bogus.

Created by: alexis
  1. what color are my eyes?
  2. what is my favorite sport?
  3. what is my favorite song?
  4. what is my favorite store?
  5. who do i look like in my famiy?
  6. when is my birthday?
  7. what is my dogs middle name?
  8. who is my favorite nascar driver?
  9. what is my favorite soda
  10. what is my middle name?

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