My Life (pt 2!)

So. This is a small quiz about my life and my friends. Hopefully I will be able to make more. So, if you really know me, you wold get this all right. or not.

Anyways. do you really know me? do you have the right to call me your friend? Before this you thought i was. But thanks to this, you shall find out in 3.. 2.. 1..

Created by: MyLittlePoke0116
  1. Hello! Call me Mega. Mega Absol.
  2. Well. If you have taken my past quiz, i live in New York with lots of friends such as McKenzie, Skylar and Gavin!
  3. Well. Like in the last question I HAD a crush on Gavin, who I now call Shiny. Shiny Absol.
  4. If you put for the last question that we got together, you are... CORRECT! =3
  5. Let's move off of love. I'm a brony! :D Brohoof?
  6. McKenzie, you probably know all of these answers.
  7. Favorite accessory to wear?
  8. i know that question was random.
  9. OK! I think i am done here. Will you be my friend?
  10. Farewell!

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