my GoToQuiz shout-out special

hello there :) my names skatterbrain.. this is a shout-out quiz to everyone that has made my gtq experience the best ive ever had :D.. i dont know where i would be know if i was not brought to gotoquiz.. lonely, desprite, geeky, not very smart.. but all that chenged it a short amount of time.. in one year since joining ive.. made my first best friend, talked to people in countrys far far away, learned so much about people, and confessed a few things about myself, learned a few things about myself as well, entertained and agravated, annoyed and fasinated, cryed and lol'ed and so many new feelings,
and also inspred me for alot of other sites, facebook, and a few game accounts and lead my to buy a laptop, and countless other insperations.. all for wich i would never give up in a millon years :) i want to take this time to thank everyone that has made this year the happyest ive ever been,id like to thank God, my family, comcast, but most importently id like to thank you :) [the reader] for takeing your time to read and take this, and to every singel one of my freind on gtq you all mean so much to me
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