My first quiz!(helped by dino gal)

I'm really bad at beginnings ,but here it goes: Hi!I am Venom and this is a test (that you don't have to take) that I made with the help of Dino I'm gonna repeat this.

here it goes:Hi!I am Venom and this is a test (that you don't have to take)that I made with the help of Dino gal.I am done repeating every single thing.

Created by: Venom the dilo
  1. scree!
  2. what is my Favorite food?
  3. I hate the vet
  4. I was born from an egg.
  5. Favorite movie
  6. I spit venom.
  7. bluh.
  8. no more questions.
  9. scree.
  10. ending.

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