
If your a true mb fan u should know about dem Roc ray prodigy princeton Mindless nd 140 characters is more den enough i love Roc Random dont want to write

Wat is you doin if ya ratchet self dnt like mb gtfo my quiz wow im bored nd mad cyz ppl takes my qyiz nd dnt liike mv bored nd tune to youtube watch mb funny

Created by: Marie
  1. Who in The boy group mindless behavior wears googles?
  2. Who said *Acos* in a youtube video?
  3. Which Mb boy always wears a hat?
  4. Who Single?
  5. Whats Princeton Favorite Color?
  6. Whats Mb first song?
  7. Whats Mindless Behavior Album Name?
  8. Whose Not in Mb?
  9. Who has a teddy bear chain necklace?
  10. Who raps this(Me and my girlfriend we go out every weekend we jus 2 love birds thats why we always tweetin)

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