Megan's Fan Club Application

This application is just a quiz for fun to see if you all really know me. I think most likely if you are my friend on myspace, then you probably will make it into my fan club!

How well do you know me? I hope it is very well and if it isn't we should definitely change that! Call me sometime and we can have coffee or something. If you know me really well, call me sometime and we can have coffee.

Created by: Megan
  1. What is my favorite color
  2. If you were to get me a pet as a gift, which would I be most excited about?
  3. What color are my eyes?
  4. What is my current major?
  5. Who is my sister?
  6. Who is my hero?
  7. Which is my favorite fruit?
  8. When is my birthday?
  9. What do I want to be when I grow up?
  10. What is my middle name?

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