Meep's Shout outs!!!

This quiz is for all my friends that i have met and talked to for the last month. If i forgot you just say so on the comments. I will make a second one. :)

This quiz is for all my friends that i have met and talked to for the last month. If i forgot you just say so on the comments. I will make a second one. XD

Created by: meep da first
Personality Test
  1. I would like to start of with Tiye/Dannylover321 for always being gtq when someone needs to talk to someone. (like me :p)
  2. I also want to inclued Alex/godofmindcraft56 who is very funny and a good soaper.
  3. I want to say to alex2/I LOVE BACON i think you are fun to talk to.
  4. Mcqueen/Ketrah you are very nice to people.
  5. Justaperson i want to add you cos you understand Texas weather and cos you added me to your shout outs.
  6. And not to mention Renee. You were one of my first friends on here.
  7. Elizabeth_Love you are very nice and fun to talk to.
  8. SUB_ZERO/Sonic_x you always seem bored but that doesn't mean you can't talk to me!
  9. And Daughterofapollo/Megan you are always fun to talk to and have interesting things to say.
  10. Last but not least wolverine girl. I love you lil sis. I won't tell sonia about the necklace. :)

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