MCR, FOB, or P!ATD ?

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now i know youve seen these a million times, but consider playing at least? just a random quiz about bands that i enjoy listening to, and besides, who doesnt love wasteing their time on pointless things in class.

now here i will give you the most random answer ever, because you have chosen this quiz! you will now find out that i have no idea what im doing, and i am so sorry if you came for something else.

Created by: MCRX13
  1. Do you know who any of these people are?
  3. ok, so do you know P!ATD (Panic!AtTheDisco)?
  4. Do you know MCR(My Chemical Romance)?
  5. Do you know FOB(Fall Out Boy)?
  6. How many of the people listed do you listen to?
  7. Now why did you take this quiz?
  8. now since were here, whats your fave P!ATD album (if u have one)
  9. Fave MCR album?
  10. Fave FOB album? (if you dont have one just pick at random)
  11. anything you say can and will be held against you.
  12. thanks for enduring this, i have legit no idea what im doing, and this is my first quiz ever. how would you rate it?

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