Math Challenge Quiz

There are many mathmeticans, but few true mathmeticans. What is a mathmetican, anyway? A mathmetican is someone who can solve complex equations, and lots more. *Note: No calculating allowed.*

Are YOU a mathmetican? Do you have the power to solve complex equations? Find out NOW if you qualify to have the title, "mathmetican." Take it now! 😐

Created by: Typhonnis Quizs
  1. 70 X 7 = ?
  2. 78 divided by 33 = ?
  3. 452 x-squared 2 = ?
  4. 1567 + 456 = ?
  5. 8 10x = ?
  6. 452 x-squared 3 = ?
  7. 123 EE = ?
  8. 4,568 3square rootx = ?
  9. 122 log 10 = ?
  10. 233 EE = ?

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