Well nobody reads these but if i forgot you right it in the comments.ok?oh and mcqueen i got you a surprise in the results it just so happens to be the favorite word you tought me.XD

If i forgot to mention you say so in mah comments and state what you did to help angry comments im ok with and you'll find out soon very soon*laughs evilly*

Created by: knucklesthegreat
  1. mcqueen:for sticking up for me
  2. dannylover321:for staying up with me to talk
  3. DEATH_:i dont really like you
  4. I LOVE BACON:for teaching me how to do a soap/roleplay
  5. ICEE CHILL:for putting that funny animation on mah thread
  6. omega_wolf:giving me the idea for this quiz
  7. brown brown:letting me post on your thread
  8. sonic x:for staying with me to talk
  9. xsonicx:for always mentioning your tired we always got a kick out of that
  10. any rose:for getting me in trouble by making my mom think you were my second acount.

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