Lucky or Unlucky Part 3

If you have not read the first or second you should. The first one is Lucky or Unlucky 1. The second is Lucky or Unlucky Part 2.The guys-Carter-tall, brown short crly hair, hazel eyes, and plays soccer.Garrett-short, medium brown hair, brown eyes, plays baseball, and is the class clown. Cody-tall, popular, football (captian), baseball, basketball (captian), dirty blond hair, and dark blue eyes.Austin-brown/red hair with honey blond highlights, medium height, friends with everyone, and plays baseball.

When you see ______ it means to insert your name there. Sorry if I made some mistakes I had only like two hours to do this. Sorry it took me so long to make.

Created by: xXluckyXx
  1. "What is 'The One',"you ask. "There is only one 'The One' at a time. When you were born the other 'One' died,"Carter explains. "Do I have some sort of special power or something," you ask. "As you probably already guessed you bring out people's powers. You are also the only one that can take someones power away from them forever or give it right back, you are also the only one able to be able to preform all powers," he explains. "So you mean I could take away your powers right now if I wanted to," you ask cautiously. "Yes, all you have to do is touch me and say 'power' its the magic word for you so be careful with it,"he says. "Can I try it,"you ask. "Sure," Carter replys back. You touch his shoulder and you say "power". As soon as you do he turns limp. You shake him and scream his name, but he is not waking up.
  2. With surprising strength you pick up Carter and take him into the house.You walk in from the back door through the kitchen. Luckly all the guys are sitting at the kitchen table. Austin asks," What happened to him?" "I asked him if I could take his power away from him and he said yes. So I did and after I did he just passed out,"you explain anxiously. "Poor guy. Passed out on his date,"Austin says with a smirk. "Can any of you guys help him,"you ask nerviously.
  3. "All you have to do is give him his power back,"Cody says. "Well, how do I do that," you ask. "I don't know just touch him and say 'give' ,"Cody suggests. You do that and Carter wakes up and says,"That was weird. I guess when you take someone's power away you kill them until you give it back." You lay Carter down in the living room. Everyone starts to head off to their rooms for the night. While you are walking to your room you can sense someone following you. You turn around and see no one behind you, but when you turn back around you see Austin standing there. He asks,"Can I talk to you?" You say,"Sure." You walk into your room and Austin locks the door behind you. You both sit down on the bed. After a moment of silence, Austin leans in and says,"You are so beautiful." YOu blush and he smiles back. He leans into kiss you . He starts to put his hands up your shirt to take it off. What do you say?
  4. "Austin, stop,"you tell him but he doesn't seem to hear. So you scream out,"AUSTIN GET OFF OF ME." Suddenly all of the guys are in your room you say,"help." and they pull Austin off of you.
  5. They take Austin but Garrett came back in. "Better get some sleep we have a date tommorow,"he says with a smile. You sleep without any dreams. When you walk down to breakfast in the morning only Austin is there making breakfast. "Don't worry I won't do that again,"he says. In about ten mins. everyone walks down the staircase first is Carter in his boxers with 6-pack abs.He hears you laugh and says,"Oops, I forgot we had a girl living here. They all give you a good morning kiss on the head exept for Garrett who gave you a long one on the lips."Be ready at noon,"he says in your ear. Which is like 2 hours away. "How can you kiss this early in the morning," Carter says with a sigh. And with that Garrett sits down next to you.
  6. After breakfast you go up to your room to take a shower. Once you get out you check the time. It says 10:30.(You like to take long showers.) You blow dry your hair then you straiten it. Your hair gets very frizzy in the heat. (It's the middle of summer.) You check the time it says 11:00. You put on sweats and a t-shirt. You go to Garrett room and you ask him,"Where are we going?" "Where we are going I hope your not wearing that." "Thanks,"you say then you walk back to your room you go to your closet what do you pick.
  7. Once you find what you are looking for you stand in front of your full body mirror. You forgot to put on your makeup on. You look at the clock it says 11:25. You plenty of time. You put your makeup on, you still have plenty of time so you try to find some jewlery. After you find the jewlery you look at the clock one last time and it's says 11:50. You decide to go ahead and keep him from waiting and go down stairs. When you walk down the stairs who is the first person you see.
  8. As you are walking down the staircase you hear gasps. You turn around to se if there is someone behind you, and when you do the guys laugh at you exept Garrett.
  9. When you are at the bottom Garrett holds out his hand and you take it. When you walk out the front door you see a limo there.(You don't get very ecxited because you have ridden in one plenty of times before.) As you get in you ask him,"Where are we going?" "We are here,"he says. You have a confused look on your face, Garrett laughs quietly then says,"Roll down the glass." The driver does and you see Carter there. "Come on lets go,"he says as you step out of the car. You both walk inside this fancy resturant and the waiter says,"Welcome Mr.Strong."and takes you to a booth.
  10. Dinner went by very quickly. While you are walking back to the limo you ask,"How did eveyone know your name?" "I own that restraunt,"he says with a smile. When you are in the limo Garrett takes your hand and says,"_____, I love---."Then you hear his phone ringing and he picks it up and then he gets a worried look on his face. He hangs up without saying a word to the other person on the phone. "Carter, we need to get home now!" he screams.
  11. Who do you love now?

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